//microsoft clarity tracing code Creating an Assessment

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Creating an Assessment

The following tutorials will teach you how to set up and assessment using Crowdmark.

There are two types of assessments available in Crowdmark. Administered and Assigned. You will want to choose an Assigned assessment. The link below describes the difference between the two.

Sometimes students get added to your course after you create your Crowdmark assessment. The following video will help you update your student roster in Crowdmark by syncing it with the roster in Moodle.

Once you have imported your roster into the Crowdmark assessment you created, you will need to add some questions. 

Before students can answer the questions in your assessment you need to distribute your assignment to your students. When you distribute your assessment, students are notified via email by Crowdmark that an assessment is available via Moodle. If students try to access your assessment before it is distributed it will tell them it needs to be distributed before they gain access. 

Example of setting up and grading a Crowdmark assessment in Moodle. Thank you to Dr. Sean Fitzpatrick for creating the videos below and explaining how Crowdmark can be used.