//microsoft clarity tracing code Temporary Moodle Access for users Without a UofL Account

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Temporary Moodle Access for users Without a UofL Account

Instructors may want to request Moodle access for users who are off-campus and do not have a UofL account. 

Perhaps instructors may be starting at the university but would like early access to begin building their courses. Or an instructor may want a guest lecturer to access their course materials on Moodle.

There is a process in place to handle this type of access and it is handled by the IT Department. 

This process requires a sponsor. Most often it is the hiring department or the instructor of a course. They will have to complete the form on behalf of the new employee or individual they would like to request temporary access for.

The Information Technology Department's form to request this level of access can be acquired by contacting the IT Solutions Centre at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

This form must be completed by a current UofL employee on behalf of the individual. 

Once completed, IT will generate a UofL ID for them and then they may be added to Moodle with this new temporary account.